Hello and Welcome!
My name is Kaleb Essig and this is my website! You'll find both personal and professional information about me to include my resume, accomplishments and hobbies. Please take some time to take a look around! If you have any questions, please click the "Contact Me!" button at the top.

About Me
I'm a 31 year old Veteran who is finding his way in this world. I have a lot of adventures in my life that have taught me alot about myself. I've live around the world including Iceland, Germany and the Middle East. My long-term goals are to enter into the IT industry either working with Databases, backend applications or in Cyber Security.
Knowledge and Experience
I currently have a Bachelors in Business Administration and a Masters in Organizational Leadership. I am pursuing a Bachelors in IT at CSU Global. I've also taken several free online courses to including Database Administration, SQL/SQL Lite, CompTIA Security+ prep course, Python, C++, HTML/CSS and Counter Cyber Security through Hack the Box. I plan on on obtaining professional IT certifications such as the CompTIA trifecta and AWS certs.
I'm a Marine Corps Veteran who served 13 months in Afghanistan from 2009 to 2010 as a Radio Operator. I also served in the USMC Reserves as a Radio Chief and Forward Operator. I've worked in several industries after the military including Financial Services, Security Guard, Systems Administrator and in Higher Education.

The Family
I have a beautiful wife I've known for nearly 25 years. We married while I was in the military in 2011. We have four beautiful daughters named Bella, Savannah, Hazel and Finley, all with their own personalities. We enjoy spending time and learning together. A day in our family is never the same!